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SLO: (PS: find English version of the text below the Slovene one. Thank you!)






Kako lahko pomagate?

Odločite se lahko za različne oblike pomoči:

  • lahko donirate denar
  • lahko donirate materialna sredstva (v količinah, ki jih zmorete; že en list papirja je bolje kot nič)
  • lahko pa le širite glas naprej in spodbujate druge, da pomagajo

Vsa sredstva bodo porabljena izključno za projekt (vsi donatorji bodo lahko kadar koli zahtevali vpogled v porabo njihovih sredstev).

A. Doniranje materialnih sredstev. Potrebujemo:  

  • digitalne fotoaparate (katere koli delujoče fotoaparate)
  • baterije AA (za večkratno polnjenje)
  • SD, XD in CF spominske kartice
  • fotografski papir A4 formata (npr. Epson ultra premium photo luster papir - 250 listov = 145 EUR)
  • kartuše za tiskalnik Epson Stylus Photo PX650 (- vsa črnila skupaj: T0807 = cena cca. 85 EUR; ali posamezna črnila: T0801, T0802, T0803, T0804, T0805, T0806)
  • daljinski žični in brezžični sprožilec za Nikon D90
  • USB ključke za shranjevanje datotek

 Lahko pa donirate vaše storitve:

  • lektoriranje slovenskega besedila (cca. 7 strani)
  • lektoriranje angleškega besedila (cca. 10 strani)

Donacije lahko prevzamem osebno, ali pa po e-mailu posredujem naslov ali druge podatke. Kontakt


B. Doniranje denarja. Donirate lahko preko PayPala (varnega načina plačevanja, ki sprejema vse vrste plačil s kreditno kartico; za plačilo ne potrebujete PayPal računa) ali pa se lahko dogovorimo drugače. Kontakt

Najnižji znesek donacije je 10 EUR.

Kliknite na gumb, če želite donirati že danes:


Preberite, kaj vam nudimo v zameno za donacijo...


C. Prostovoljno širjenje glasu o projektu:

zgornji gumbek (oz.sličico) lahko prenesete na svoj blog, Facebook stran itd. in gumbek povežete s to spletno stranjo, da si bodo lahko vsi morebitni zainteresirani prebrali več o projektu in možnostih pomoči. Hvala za pomoč!

Projekt se prične marca 2011!

O projektu bomo poročali na posebnem blogu. Ker bo projekt potekal v skladu z etičnimi načeli in v skladu z varovanjem osebnih podatkov, vam ne moremo obljubiti, da boste imeli na blogu vpogled v celotno dogajanje, a upamo, da vas bomo lahko vseeno čim bolj verodostojno sproti obveščali o našem napredku. Vljudno vabljeni na obisk!

Kliknite na gumb, da skočite tja!


Še pojasnilo: Preberite zakaj projekt ne financiramo (samo) s prijavami na razpise.

Hvala za vaš čas in pomoč!













How can you help?

You can help us in various ways:

  • you can donate money
  • you can donate supplies (in quantities that you can; even just one piece of paper is better than nothing)
  • or you can spread the word and encourage others to help

All funds will be used exclusively for the project (all donors are free to ask for the review where did his/her donation go).

A. Donations of supplies, materials. We need:

  • digital cameras (any operating digital cameras)
  • AA batteries (rechargeable)
  • SD, XD and CF memory cards
  • A4 size photo paper – lots of it (e.g. Epson ultra premium luster photo paper - 250 sheets = 145 EUR)
  • cartridges for Epson Stylus Photo PX650 (- multipack with all inks together T0807 = price approx. 85 EUR, or individual inks: T0801, T0802, T0803, T0804, T0805, T0806)
  • remote wired and wireless shutter release for Nikon D90
  • USB memory sticks for saving files

or you can offer your service: proofreading of English text (of my research) (cca. 10 pages)

For the international donations of supplies contact me to get the address. Thank you very much!

B. Donating money. You are welcome to donate via PayPal (a secure payment method which accepts all types of payments by credit card or others. You don't need a PayPal account to donate the money) or we can arrange other ways of the money donations. Contact me please for more details.

The minimum donation amount is 10 EUR (or in other equivalent currency).

Click the button to make a donation today:

 Thank you!

Learn what we offer in return for the donation...

C. Spread the word about the project:

you can add this button (- picture) to your blog, Facebook page, etc. Link the button to this site to help others to read about the project and to see how they might help. Thanks so much for your help!

The project will start in March 2011!

You will read about the project on a special blog. Since the project will follow the ethical principles of the phototherapy and in accordance will protect personal data of all the clients, we can't promise you to see everything about the project on blog, but we hope we will be able to give you some credible information about our progress during the project. You are welcome to visit the blog often and comment, suggest new things or just say hi!

Click the button bellow to jump there:

One more explanation: Read why aren't we funding the project with the funds by government/commune tenders (only)?

Thank you for your time and help!


How can you help?

 You can help us in various ways:

you can donate money
you can donate supplies (in quantities that you can; even just one piece of paper is better than nothing)
or you can spread the word and encourage others to help

 All funds will be used exclusively for the project (all donors are free to ask for the review where did his/her donation go).

 A. Donations of supplies, materials. We needs:

digital cameras (any operating digital cameras)
AA batteries (rechargeable)
SD, XD and CF memory cards
A4 size photo paper – lots of it (e.g. Epson ultra premium luster photo paper - 250 sheets = 145 EUR)
cartridges for Epson Stylus Photo PX650 (- multipack with all inks together T0807 = price approx. 85 EUR, or individual inks: T0801, T0802, T0803, T0804, T0805, T0806)
remote wired and wireless shutter release for Nikon D90

For the international donations of supplies contact me to get the address. Thank you very much!

 B. Donating money. You are welcome to donate via PayPal (a secure payment method which accepts all types of payments by credit card or others. You don't need a PayPal account to donate the money) or we can arrange other way of the money donations. Contact me please for more details.

 The minimum donation amount is 10 EUR (or other equivalent currency).
Click the button to make a donation today:

 Thank you!

 Learn what we offer in return for a donation ...


 C. Spread the word about the project:

you can add this button (- picture) to your blog, Facebook page, etc. Link the button to this site to help others to read about the project and to see how they might help. Thanks so much for your help!

 The project will start in March 2011!

 You will read about the project on a special blog. Since the project will follow the ethical principles of the phototherapy and in accordance will protect personal data of all the clients, we can't promise you to see everything about the project on blog, but we hope we will be able to give you some credible information about our progress during the project. You are welcome to visit the blog often and comment, suggest new things or just say hi!

 Click the button bellow to jump there:


One more explanation: Why aren't we funding the project with the funds by government/commune tenders (only)?

 Thank you for your time and help!